I am in Quito at the moment. I got here last Sunday in the evening. This past week, I have been taking Spanish classes in a school called Vida Verde. Monday and Tuesday I took 6 and 1/2 hours, on Wednesday I took 7 hours and on Thursday I took 4. My schedule for next week will be pretty similar. I'm enjoying myself. I am staying with a host family near the school, it is actually the director of the school. The family is extremely nice and very hospitable. Their house is also in a great location. It is a short 3 minute walk to the school, a five minute walk to La Mariscal area with restaurants and bars, and a 30 minute walk to El Centro Histórico. I went today to the historical center to explore around. I couldn't believe how many people were out and about on Christmas. There were many stores and restaurants open as well. The center itself was really impressive. I also went to El Panecillo that has a great view of the city. Last night, I participated in the celebration of La Noche Buena with the family. It was really nice of them to include me in their festivities. As I have said, I am really enjoying Quito and the opportunity to improve my Spanish, but it is much more difficult than I had expected to be away for the holidays. Although, from the sounds of things, this year is a strange one with all the bad weather that has come. The weather here has been pretty nice. Today was gorgeous, in the 70's and sunny. Early in the week, it was cooler and even cold at night. It still doesn't feel like Christmas, but now it has come and gone, which begs the question . . . Christmas in Ecuador . . . am I crazy?
Many of the churches were closed to tourists due to Christmas service.

When it is open, you can go almost to the very top.
View from El Panecillo.
View of La Virgen de Quito from her base.
Another view from El Panecillo and the monument of the Virgin.
Haven't shaved in a few days and really have no plan to start within the next few weeks.

Stained glass inside the monument of the Virgin of Quito.
A full view of the Virgin of Quito