All good things must come to an end, right? Why is that? It doesn't really seem quite fair. I've been really fortunate to meet some really cool people who enjoy the same things that I do. I've made friends with whom I'm able to be myself. Personally, I think that is pretty rare but maybe that has something to do with my personality. At this point, we have exactly five weeks before some of these great friends move on to new adventures. At the end of the school year, Dave and Danielle go back to the states for a short time before heading to their new post of Vietnam. I'm really excited for them and the awesome opportunity. Selfishly, I'm bummed that they are leaving. Steve and Jean are also leaving to go back to New Zealand after many years overseas. Again, I'm really excited for them but sad to see them go. Now we just have to enjoy the time that we have left. Live and enjoy every moment . . . that's what life should be like anyway, right? I wish I lived my life with that in mind all the time. These next five weeks, we'll have to pack it with fun and adventure . . .