Dear Bolivia,
Thank you for the time that we have spent together. You have taught me so much and made me realize that I know so little. Some of the many important lessons that you have taught me include:
1. A good sleeping bag is worth every penny that you have paid for it. I questioned myself a year ago when I bought a good sleeping bag before coming down to the oppressive heat of Guayaquil. I´m now so happy with the purchase.
2. Traveling light is nice, but two pairs of pants for seven weeks is a bit unrealistic. What happens when both pairs are really dirty and you want to wash both of them??? I ended up breaking down and buying some jeans in the Black Market in La Paz which was a funny experience in itself. It is just stalls and stalls lined up on the street. The ¨fitting room¨ consisted of the woman standing on the back side of me and holding up a curtain in front of me and changing on the street. We both had a good laugh!
3. There are places on Earth that seem to be settings on other planets. Gracias Pachamama!
4. Never let perceptions keep you from special places. Of course many people think that Bolivia holds alot of anti-American sentiment. I found the Bolivian people extremely friendly, kind, and helpful. The only negative point is the $135 visa that is required only of Americans. But that is a political thing that has no reflection on the people themselves.
5. It is easy to feel like a 300 pound 60 year old man at high altitude. It has been a humbling lesson.
6. It is nice to be by yourself when traveling. However, finding people who share your same interests and are able to appreciate shared experiences is priceless.
7. A small heater in a small room goes a long way!
8. You get what you pay for. There is a big difference between a $3.50 hostal and a $12 hostal.
9. You can tell how long a traveler has been on his or her own by how much they talk. I met a New Zealander the other day and did a hike with him on Isla del Sol. The hike was 2 and a half hours . . . he talked for 2 hours and 25 minutes and I was able to squeeze in five minutes. Maybe I´m an exception since I don´t talk much anyway.
10. Football is a universal topic, especially during the World Cup.
11. Kindness and sincerity goes a LONG way!!
Thank you for all these lessons. Trust me that I have learned many, many more.
Much love,
Jeremiah Jacob Mathis
Here a few photos of yesterday´s trip to Isla del Sol: